The project started yesterday actually, or even Friday the previous week. Anyway, yesterday I started on two scenes. one was an office, and the other was on the boss of the office. The have not been any textureing or anything of that sort yet, since now we are just building stuff like crazy and then when everything has been set with an “A-okay” stamp then the texturing will start. Rigging will be done before texturing, I hope, but you will never know. The office meshes are almost done, and I am almost done with the head of the boss, Mr Drake. I have a little problem with the hair. Dont know how to do it in a good way. But some ideas do pop up here and there. Will see later how it turns out.
And here is a screenshot of the head. Click to enlarge.
[singlepic id=27 w=320 h=240 float=]