I have been way to lazy with my game project lately. I guess it is because of the lake of superiors to report to. And i am also very bad at self motivation.
But I was thinking about to start this weekly thing where I post the things I have done over the course of a week, with daily or less updates depending on when things get done. Not the most motivational thing i have done. but i hope it will keep me motivated long enough to get some things done. Below are some pictures of the current state of my development of my game and I, just now, thought of anding a link to my blog in the Game Launcher, since it is my game and I can do that. When and if a get a job I will totally pay for the “MMO starter kit” for UE4, torrents are useful. It has been a lifesaver and a good source for motivation and engagement from me to make stuff. This has now become a rant more then anything. So we will se if something happens.
Now pictures.
That is what it looks now. And I am a very bad at letting imperfections go, but there is one thing I have learned from university and that is “Make it playable first.” You can always make it prettier later. And I need to keep that in mind, always.
Okay, lets take the rest of this night to make some basic pieces for a medieval village/house. Of course it should be modular. Onwards.