For now, the new portfolio development is pretty much dead in the water. It was an interesting few weeks tweaking with the web code but ultimately I lost most of the interest in it. I will probably restart it when I find a good resource, tutorial , or inspiration to start anew.
But that does not mean i have been sitting on my hands doing nothing. I started doing some 3D modeling again, with Final Fantasy 12 as my source of inspiration. I have already posted some pictures that features some prototyping and grayboxing. A few prototype assets have also been created. Nothing final, but I will get there.
Recently my passion for programming has flared up. Mostly thanks to Udemy’s Christmas sale, I bought 2 courses and added 1 free course. All of them was about C++, So we shall see if I add a new tab with the small programs and source code for those who want to see them.