Basic info about Sprite and Tile sheets

If you are making a 2D game in Unity there are a few things one should know about sprite sheets.

  • It is always better that the images are dividable by 2.
    Sizes like 32×32, 512x512x 1024×1024. It helps with performance and with workflow.
  • Some settings are not needed when working in 2D compared with 3D
    • Texture Type to Sprite(2D and UI).
      To be able to use them as sprites
    • No need to Generate Mip-Maps.
      Mip-Maps are generated to help performance when working in 3D as to reduce texture quality when something is far away.
    • Set Wrap Mode to Clamp.
    • Filter Mode to Point.
      To prevent texture blurring and smoothing effects.

Sometimes there might be tearing like what is shown above. It is mostly contributed to Unity’s lacking 2D rendering. Something about the floatingpoint calculations in the viewport.

This problem can be remedied with setting the game viewport to a fixed resolution instead of something that is “Free Aspect” or an aspect ratio. Something like 1920×1080 will work fine. A fixed resolution is key here.