Unity: 2D-Extra tools

Unitys 2D tools and workflow are powerful and quite useful. But there are some minor details and useful tools missing. The “2D-Extras” <-Click to go to the github page. They will tell you all you need about installing it. They are not necessary for you...

SC2: Making a basic Hero

People love to level up things. Anything between turrets to heroes should be able to level up. It usually makes things a bit more fun, adds purpose and goals. There are basically two ways to make a level-able Hero character in the Galaxy Editor. With...

SC2: GE: Good Practice

When ever you are creating stuff or making new things there is always stuff to think about. Should i do this or that, with this thing or that thing. Here I will put together a list of things that you should think about when making...

SC2: Increasing Attributes

Who knew that increasing the attributes after creating and adding them would be such and odd adventure. The think that the way to increase the attributes is to do it indirectly, with behavior buffs. After creating a Hero and setting up the attributes, you need...