Okay, I spent my time looking at references and made some basic prototyping, with out anything too fancy yet. It is an okay start and I think those dimensions will work just fine. Basically 50cm snapping in UE4. When all the basic pieces are made...
Okay, Need to motivate myself.
I have been way to lazy with my game project lately. I guess it is because of the lake of superiors to report to. And i am also very bad at self motivation. But I was thinking about to start this weekly thing where I...
Rearrenging and adding some
Okay, I have now rearranged some of the content. nothing final but it makes things more accessible. I have also added one other game I have worked on. It is called “Ways and Means” Check it out here -> LINK I think that is all...
MonsterHunter, not the one you are thinking of
I made an flash game some while back and now i have uploaded it. Check it out in the Gallery/Games/MonsterHunter tab. Maybe there will be a time when i rearrange the tabs, but that time is not now. Will also upload a Flash movie that...
Game Concept
I have added an old game concept that i have some time ago. it is in Swedish and if any one want it translated give me a call. Linky Link http://www.dragonborn.se/gallery-2/game-concepts/adventure-game/ I will maybe organize lite on the page, Whenever I feel like it. (inside...
After One month.
Okay, it has been a month since I posted anything here. Since last time, a new curriculum has started. Dealing with art history and gaming aesthetics. You know the boring and interesting stuff. The last two weeks we have been working on a game with...